Our Services

Profile Blueprint

There is no “one size fits all” strategy when it comes to Studying and Immigration Consultants Canada (SICC). It is imperative to our process to conduct a comprehensive profiling exercise. Under the assistance of our in-house admission counselor, an in-depth analysis is conducted for each student. Our professional takes into consideration multiple important factors such as a student's academic background, educational qualifications, interests, career goals, work experience, financial status, market trends and preferred location. All these details are important in determining programs that are the right fit.This blueprint is then used to devise and choose the best strategy of shortlisting the right course, college and university.

University Selection

At Studying and Immigration Consultants Canada (SICC), we achieve the perfect match of assessing student requirements and aligning them with Canadian universities. Aware of the confusion students face in outlining programs and universities, our well-qualified counselors are available to help in selecting the right institution and program based off of the profile blueprint of the student. Our team will shortlist several appropriate programs including details about scholarships and bursaries. Students can then discuss with family and friends before making the final decision. Universities offer a wide variety of educational programs ranging from undergraduate programs to graduate programs (master’s degrees and diplomas). Students can choose various education programs from a range of reputable academic institutions consisting of 1,000 to 60,000 students, according to their financial resources, preferred programs and desired locations.

Program Requirements

Upon finalizing education programs and universities, the next step is to start gathering information about these programs; entry criterias, application deadlines, course costs, additional documentation. Our counselors guide about strict application requirements and deadlines and hand-hold our students through the process of ensuring all details are smoothed out before beginning to fill out application forms with the required documents.

Coaching & Clearing Prerequisites - IELTS

Most Canadian universities require students to undergo some essential tests, including proof-of-english IELTS and GMAT in the case of some Graduate programs. SICC provides thorough training and comprehensive practice to ensure that students secure a high score. Our IELTS training is available on select dates all year round. There is no compromise at SICC when it comes to any part of your study abroad dreams! Visit here to find out more about IELTS prep.

Documentation & Application Assistance

When it finally gets to filling and sending out applications, there are several steps to consider. A well-written Statement of Purpose (SOP) is key in securing admissions in competitive universities. Studying and Immigration Consultants Canada (SICC) places great emphasis on a flawless SOP which is why not only do we offer guidance to students but also in-house SOP writing services. No stone should be left unturned. Next is gathering financial documents. Canada has very strict visa requirements and it is imperative that details regarding financial statements and proof of ties to your home-country are faultless. Our consultants have vast experience and are well aware of the nitty-gritty within the financial documentation process. All we require is cooperation and trust. Once all documents are gathered and checked + rechecked, our team of admission appliers finally apply for your required programs. Offers start coming in within a few days, and given our extensive experience, we are always positive our students won’t be left empty-handed. Once answered with affirmative admissions, our team then forwards your case to our Visa guidance team.

Visa Guidance

One of the most important steps in getting ready for an international education is applying for a visa. If you don't have the right advice, it can also be one of the most difficult tasks. The first step in obtaining an approval for your student visa is to submit the appropriate paperwork. Your visa application may be denied and cause a delay if one or more documents are not in order. SICC counselors are constantly in touch with the Canadian embassy, consulate and all other concerned departments. Hence, our visa team is fully updated and well informed on the latest visa rules and regulations. It is due to our team’s due-diligence that we have a high success rate. Once everything is finalized our team carefully reviews the documents & will provide comprehensive advice & if required ask for more relevant documentation that you need to submit along with the application. You can always visit our office or contact us for more information.