Our Services


Let our professionals guide you to the best study and location options in Canada!


Your entire application process evaluated and lead by SICC’s industry experts.


Ace your english proficiency with SICC’s learning material and guidence.


Documents? Bank statement? Processing time? We answer all your visa-related questions.

Universities & Colleges

About Us

Studying and Immigration Consultants Canada (SICC) is Pakistan’s 1st ICEF Certified Consultancy, operating straight from Canada, with over 3+ years of experience.
We at SICC hold pride in having gone through the application and visa process required to study abroad in Canada ourselves, and having done so successfully. This paired with an internationally recognised ICEF certification of CCEA, our team is well-aware of upcoming trends in Canadian education, as well as updated international education processes and principles.
You know what they say: Experience is the teacher of all things. And that exactly, is our biggest achievement. We know what you want and how to help you get it, because we’ve been through all the mazes and puzzles required to get to it: a life of freedom as a successful international student + citizen in Canada.

Frequently Asked questions

Why should I study in Canada?

Canada not only offers the best education standards but also the most inclusion and diversity. In other words, this country gives the opportunity of meeting people from diversified cultural, social and racial backgrounds. Canada has some of the best educational institutions in the world that offer vibrant, creative and challenging environments.


This is the most important decision to make in your study abroad journey. The team at SICC is a full stack of professionals who are ICEF certified and internationally recognised as qualified Canadian education consultants, experts in their respective fields of counseling, admission processing, visa guidance etc. How did they learn these expertise? By once going through this same process that you are now going through. The anxiety, confusion, uncertainty of applying to so many colleges and programs is something our entire team has faced during their own admission processes to Canada. By being certified and through operating and residing in Canada, we know the loopholes, complications, and latest trends involved in Canadian education, which is why we wanted to create a fool-proof and smooth mechanism of applying to top-notch Canadian institutions. Experience is the master of all things, and that is exactly what we have: personal experience.

What type of courses can I choose from?

Canadian institutions offer a wide variety of programs ranging from undergraduate programs to postgraduate degrees and diplomas. Students can pick up various programs from a range of reputable institutions consisting of 1,000 to 60,000 students. Our team of counselors will sit with you, formulate your profile blueprint and then shortlist courses that suit your background and requirements. Learn more about our process here. Services

How do I decide where to study?

Deciding where you want to study in a new country can be daunting. Factors such as financial position, previous education, program preferences, interests and market trends, all matter when it comes to deciding where to study. This is why our in-house Canadian counselor will be guiding you throughout the process, to ensure you reach a profitable decision that satisfies both you and your family. Learn more about our process here. Services

What are general entry requirements?

Each college and program has varying entry requirements. Give us a call to first discuss a plan of action regarding courses and institutions and then our team will guide you about requirements.

Can I work part-time during my stay in Canada?

●Students can work part time i.e. 20 hours/week simultaneously while studying full time.
●Students would require S.I.N (Social insurance number) to work off- campus.
●SIN usually can be obtained at the airport once the immigration formalities are completed. However, if not then the student can visit any Service Canada office to get it.

Are there scholarships available in Canada?

Students may apply to various scholarships and funding depending on the institution they choose and their academic records. We at ____ put in our most effort to help students attain scholarships.

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